Pre. Aïda Ouangraoua |
Aïda Ouangraoua, Department of Computer Science, Principal Investigator
Aïda received a master’s degree in Computer Engineering from ENSEIRB-MATMECA, France, and a master’s degree and a PhD degree in Computer Science from Université de Bordeaux, France, under the co-supervision of Pascal Ferraro and Serge Dulucq. Her PhD thesis was on the development of models and algorithms for the comparison of biological treelike structures such as plant architectures and RNA structures. She did her postdoctoral training at Simon Fraser University and Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada, under the supervision of Cedric Chauve and Anne Bergeron, working on the reconstruction of ancestral gene orders and genomic rearrangements in eukaryots. She then joined INRIA Lille, France, as a researcher in the Bonsai Bioinformatics team headed by Hélène Touzet, working on various comparative genomics projects on genome rearrangement and RNA secondary structures. She is regularly in the program committees of Bioinformatics conferences such as ISMB, RECOMB-CG, and WABI. She is also on the Editorial Board of Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics journals such as of MBE, JCB, and Bioinformatics Advances. Aïda is currently full professor at the Department of Computer Science of Université de Sherbrooke where she holds the Canada Research Chair in Computational and Biological Complexity. |
Yoann Anselmetti
Yoann Anselmetti, Department of Computer Science, Postdoctoral researcher
Yoann received a PhD degree from Université de Lyon, France, under the co-supervision of Sèverine Bérard and Éric Tannier (with close collaboration with Cedric Chauve) in 2017. His PhD thesis was on the development of on approach that jointly reconstructs gene order evolution and improves scaffolding of extant genomes. He did a postdoctoral training in population genomics in the Phylogénie et Évolution Moléculaire team part of the Genome department of the Institut des Sciences de l’Évolution de Montpellier (ISEM – UMR5554). His work was on the development of tools for comparative genomics of population data between asexual and sexual species. Since September 2019, Yoann currently postdoctoral researcher in the CoBiUS Lab at the Department of Computer Science of Université de Sherbrooke on the development of models and algorithms to infer the evolution of RNA secondary structural motifs across species tree. |
Ibrahim Chegrane
Ibrahim Chegrane, Department of Computer Science, Postdoctoral researcher
Ibrahim Chegrane received a PhD degree in Computer Science (artificial intelligence) from the University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algeria, in 2017. He worked as a researcher at the Research Centre on Scientific and Technical Information (CERIST), Algeria from 2017 to 2019, and as a temporary assistant professor (ATER) at Paris-Est Créteil University (UPEC), France in 2019. His domain of research is Pattern matching. Ibrahim joined the COBIUS lab in September 2019 as a postdoctoral researcher, to work on the development of models and algorithms to search and classify families of RNA secondary structures. (PhD thesis) |
Abigail Djossou
Abigail Djossou, Department of Computer Science, Phd student
Abigail is driven by the application of Computer Science in real life problems. Her first years at university have been dedicated to Networks, precisely Linux Administration. After that, she has spent the following years discovering the amazing field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Then, she decided to study mathematics to understand the foundation of computer science. It was an interesting and very enriching experience that led her to the next step of her life -that is immerse herself in the amazing field of Bioinformatics. Abigail started her PhD degree in Computer Science with an option in Bioinformatics in September 2020, working on the development of algorithms for eukaryotes gene and transcript prediction. (personal page) |
Safa Jammali
Safa Jammali, Department of Computer Science, PhD student
Safa received a master’s degree in Geomatics with remote sensing specialization from Université de Sherbrooke in 2016. She was trained in mathematics, image processing and data analysis. Safa started her PhD degree in Computer Science with an option in Bioinformatics in January 2016, working on the modelization and comparison of gene structures. She is co-supervised by professors Michelle Scott (Department of Biochemistry, Université de Sherbrooke) and Aïda Ouangraoua. |
Davy Ouédraogo
Davy Ouédraogo, Department of Computer Science, Phd student
Davy received a degree in Telecommunication Engineering in 2019 from the National Institute of Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies in Oran, Algeria. He was trained in image processing, algorithms, satellite systems, switching and fiber optics. Since September 2020, he is a PhD student in Computer Science (Bioinformatics), working on the development of algorithms for transcript evolution. |
Anaïs Vannutelli
Anaïs Vannutelli, Department of Biochemistry, PhD student
Anaïs received a master degree in Bioinformatics from Université de Toulouse, France, after completing her master internship in 2018 partly in the lab. She is a biocellular and physiology biologist. She works on the identification and the evolution of G-quadruplexes in transcriptomes. She is co-supervised by professors Jean-Pierre Perreault (Departement of Biochemistry, Université de Sherbrooke) and Aïda Ouangraoua. |